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| موضوع: تحميل برنامج SyncDroid لادارة الهواتف الاندرويد مجانا باصداره الأخير السبت 05 أبريل 2014, 1:23 am | |
SyncDroid v1.1.5 Final
اذا كنت تعبت من البحث عن برامج ادارة الهواتف الاندرويد,وتريد البرنامج الاسهل والاكثر احترافيه,البرنامج الذي يحتوي علي العديد من المميزات الرائعه التي تجعل منه من افضل برامج ادارة الهواتف الاندرويد. برنامج SyncDroid هو الاسهل والاحدث في التعامل و في ادارة الاندرويد,باستخدامك برنامج تستطيع التحكم الكامل في الهاتف وسهولة ادارته,يتميز البرنامج بسهولة الاستخدام حيث انك بمجرد ان تقوم بتوصيل الهاتف الخاص بك بجهاز الكمبيوتر او اللاب توب فان برنامج SyncDroid يقوم بالتعرف عليه و جلب كل بيانات الهاتف. خصائص برنامج SyncDroid
التحكم الكامل في الهاتف الاندرويد اي كان نوعه وايضا سهولة التعرف عليه عمل تخزين لكل بياناتك الموجوده في الاندرويد,مثل الصور و الفيديوهات و الارقام المسجله علي الهاتف وكل ما هو موجود علي الهاتف,وامكانيه استرجاع البيانات عند ضياعها من الهاتف. تحويل البيانات و الفيديوهات و الصور من الكمبيوتر الي الهاتف والعكس. ادارة كل الملفات الموجوده علي الهاتف من خلال جهاز الكمبيوتر.
والكثير من الادوات والمميزات تستطيع ان تكتشفها بنفسك عند استخدام برنامج SyncDroid لادارة الاندرويد.
Most of us have experienced the painful inconvenience of losing contacts in our cell phone address books. The situation is even worse if you lose most or all the data on your phone considering the various ways in which you use the mobile device. Thankfully, there are nowadays ways of backing up your phone content on a computer for later use. If you have an Android phone, then SyncDroid is a perfect choice.
SyncDroid is a complete Android backup utility that you can use to store contacts, SMS, call logs, browser bookmarks, audio, video and photos in both the SD card and the camera app on the phone.
Installing and Using SyncDroid
The installation process was smooth and fast. When the process completed, the program guided us on how to activate debugging mode on Android phones using different OS versions, but we had already activated ours. The graphic guide is ideal for a newbie who may have difficulty locating the feature.
It then asked us to connect our phone to the PC via USB cable, and it detected and installed its software automatically. The exact image of our phone was then displayed on the left part of the program window, complete with whatever was on the screen. The display was dynamic, and it kept changing and showing what was currently active on the phone's display, whether they were messages or app icons on the standby screen.
Above the dynamic image was the name of the phone, and below it were respective sizes of phone and SD memories, including available spaces. We could select the things we wanted to back up on the right part of the user interface. We could also type our preferred backup name although the program automatically filled a name that included the name of the phone. In addition, we could include a note about the backup, which was optional.
The program gave us the option to access the content we had just backed up. It backs up all images on the phone or SD card, including icons.
During a restore, you can choose the package you want to restore because you may have several backups. Then you will select the categories you want to restore and choose whether to overwrite files with similar names.
When we say you can use SyncDroid to backup and restore Android, it does not necessarily mean you have to return the data to the original phone. The backed up data can be transferred to any Android phone.
If you are only interested in an Android backup and restore utility, then SyncDroid will serve you well, and for free. If you want to access, browse and manipulate the content of your phone via a computer, however, then look for another application.
SyncDroid 1.1.5 Final
حجم البرنامج
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